Fabric Instructor

How To Remove Scorch Marks - Fabric Instructor

How to Remove Scorch Marks: The Best Tips and Tricks

It’s happened to all of us at some point or another. You’re ironing a shirt and suddenly, you see a nasty scorch mark on the fabric. What can you do to remove it? In this blog post, we will discuss the best tips and tricks for how to remove scorch marks from fabric. We’ll also provide some helpful solutions if the scorch mark is too severe. So don’t fret – read on for all the information you need to get rid of that pesky scorch mark!

It is easier to remove scorch marks from some fabrics than others. Natural fabrics tend to have a better chance of the scorch mark coming out than synthetic fabrics. The trick to removing scorch marks from clothes is to do it immediately. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to get the mark out.

The General Rule

Step 1: Immediately rinse the mark in warm water/ cold water depending on the fabric type. This step will prepare the fabric for pre-treatment. It will allow the fabric to absolve the moisture from the water, which will make it easier for the next steps.

Step 2: Apply a pre-treatment solution to the scorch mark. You can use a commercial fabric spot cleaner or make your own by mixing one part vinegar with one part water. You can also use bleach or a hard laundry detergent.

Step 3: Rub the pre-treatment into the scorch mark using a clean cloth. You may need to do this several times to see results.

Step 4: Rinse the area with warm water and check to see if the scorch mark has lightened or disappeared. If it is still visible, repeat steps two through four.

Step 5: Once the scorch mark is gone, wash the item of clothing in the washing machine according to the care label instructions.

Step 6: Dry in the sun. The direct sunlight helps to also remove the scorch mark.

If the scorch mark is still visible after following these steps, you may need to try a stronger method. You can use bleach or hydrogen peroxide on white fabrics or color-safe bleach on colored fabrics. Be sure to test the solution on a small, hidden area of the fabric first to check

How To Remove Scorch Marks Using Vinegar

One of the best ways to remove a scorch mark is to use vinegar. Vinegar is a natural fabric softener and can also help to dissolve the scorch mark. To use vinegar;

  • Mix one part vinegar with one part water.
  • Apply the solution to the scorch mark and rub it in using a clean cloth. Rinse the area with warm water and check to see if the scorch mark has lightened or disappeared.
  • If it is still visible, repeat the process.
  • Once the scorch mark is gone, wash the item of clothing in the washing machine according to the care label instructions.

How To Remove Scorch Marks Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another effective solution for removing scorch marks from fabric. To use hydrogen peroxide;

  • Sock a small piece of cloth in hydrogen peroxide.
  • Lay the wet cloth on the scorch mark.
  • Place pressing iron on the socked piece of cloth. Ensure that the iron is not too hot
  • Add peroxide if the cloth dries and the stain is not gone.
  • Repeat step three and four until the scorch mark is gone
  • Wash the cloth according to its care label
  • Dry in direct sunlight to remove any lingering peroxide smell.

How To Remove Scorch Marks Using Laundry Detergent/ Bleach

If the scorch mark is still visible after trying vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, you may need to try using laundry detergent or bleach.

To use a laundry detergent

  • Run cloth under warm or cold water so it can absolve the detergent.
  • Apply the laundry detergent directly to the scorch mark.
  • Use a clean cloth to rub the solution into the scorch mark. You can also use a soft brush to work the detergent into the cloth
  • Rinse with warm water and check to see if the scorch mark has lightened or disappeared.
  • If it is still visible, repeat steps two through four.
  • Once the scorch mark is gone, wash the item of clothing in the washing machine according to the care label instructions.

To use bleach

  • Mix one part bleach with four parts water.
  • Dip a clean cloth into the solution and rub it onto the scorch mark.
  • You can also pre-soak the cloth
  • Rinse with cold water and check to see if the scorch mark has
  • lightened or disappeared.
  • If it is still visible, repeat steps two through four.
  • Once the scorch mark is gone, wash the item of clothing in the washing machine according to the care label instructions.
  • Dry in direct sunlight to remove any lingering bleach smell.

Check the care instructions to see if bleach may be used on the cloth before you try this technique. If you can’t use bleach, consider utilizing laundry detergent instead. Lemon juice may also be used as a natural bleaching agent.

How To Remove Scorch Marks Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is another effective solution for removing scorch marks from fabrics. To use baking soda;

  • Make a paste using one part baking soda and two parts water.
  • Apply the paste to the scorch mark using a clean cloth.
  • Use a circular motion to rub the paste into the scorch mark.
  • Let the mixture sit for a while
  • Gently use an emery pad to remove the paste and scorch mark
  • Wash in the washing machine according to care label instructions.
  • Dry

Prevention Is Key

The best way to remove a scorch mark is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Some tips for preventing scorch marks include;

  • Use a press cloth when ironing. A press cloth is a piece of clean, thin fabric that you place over the area you are ironing. This will help to protect the fabric from the direct heat of the iron and will also catch any drips or drops of water that may fall from the iron.
  • Set your iron to the correct heat setting. Every fabric is different and will require a different heat setting.
  • Check the care label of your clothes before ironing. This will ensure that you are using the correct heat setting for the fabric.
  • Test the iron on the ironing cloth before using it on the garment. This will help to ensure that the iron is not too hot.
  • Keep your iron clean. A clean iron will prevent any dirt or residue from transferring onto your clothes.
  • Use a steam iron when possible. Steam irons emit water vapor instead of direct heat, which will help to prevent scorching.

Following these tips will help to prevent any accidents and will keep your clothes looking their best. If you do find yourself with a scorch mark on your clothing, don’t despair. These tips and tricks will help to get the marks out so that you can wear your clothes with confidence.


Fabric Instructor provides informational care guides for all kinds of fabric and clothing. Our content is written and reviewed by a team that is obsessed with fabric care techniques; making us your most reliable source of information, advice, resources, and recommendations to improve the overall quality and durability of your clothing and other fabrics.